Companies / အသေးစားဘဏ်လုပ်ငန်း / SME Banking
Over 90 percent of all business in Myanmar is classified as Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, and the government has recognized that SMEs are the main driver for the country’s future national economic development. uab bank committed to support SMEs in Myanmar and provide wide variety of loan products and services for SME businesses. With our branches conveniently placed in key business locations, we provide SMEs with convenience and access to essential banking services ranging from deposit account services, fund transfers, working capital facilities, trade finance and investment loans.
uab bank is one of the very few banks selected by JICA to provide Two Step Loans (TSL) to eligible SMEs with lower interest rate at 5.5% p.a . uab also has an arrangement with Myanma Insurance to provide SME loans against credit guarantee Insurance issued by Myanma Insurance, when SME unit is not able to provide any collateral.